
Scarlett Johansson - English Journal - July 2009

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hiii! WOW It's so good to see a good blog with japanese magazines finally! I'm loving these magazines!
    Do you maybe have any scans with Ciara or Rihanna?
    I'm looking for any with them

    please email me: ultimateciaraxoxo@gmail.com


  2. hey! thanks for the comment!! :D
    but sorry, as you can tell, i collect only magazne covers from internet.
    I really dont buy mags because its expensive! lol
    and even i buy mags, i cannot scan them...
    sorry about that!

    i have only this cover of ciara...

    but hope ciara or rihanna will be the covers somday soon, so i can put pics on here, well, only the covers though. :p
    anyway, keep checking my blog!

    take care xxx
